Fun Thanksgiving Turkey Treats & Crafts For Kids To Make

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Easy and Fun Thanksgiving Turkey Treats and Crafts That The Kids Will Love To Make

With Thanksgiving just around the corner and the kids are biting at the bit to get some crafts done  then here are some great turkey treats to give you some idea to get going with the kids.

Turkey Cupcakes

Collage of 2 different types of Turkey Cupcakes

Fork Painted Turkey Crafts

Probably one of the easiest crafts to make this Thanksgiving but if you have a little one who is not great at sitting still for long but wants to make something, then this would be perfect for them.

For more information on how to make these

Easy Turkey Donuts

How about making some awesome turkey looking donuts? Love how you don’t have to bake anything just grab some already iced donuts, candy corn, edible eyeballs, Red piping icing, Hershey Kisses and you are set to go. See them here

Turkey Treat Cupcakes

We all Love Cupcakes right? How about these cute little things, so very simple and quick to make and kids will LOVE them. Watch the video to see how to make them.

Betty Crocker Chocolate FrostingBetty Crocker Chocolate FrostingBetty Crocker Chocolate FrostingWilton Sweet Edible Candy EyeballsPieceWilton Sweet Edible Candy EyeballsPieceWilton Sweet Edible Candy EyeballsPieceCandy CornCandy CornCandy Corn

Chocolate Turkey Pretzels Sticks

Probably one of my favorite ones and so easy and kids of all ages can make them. These chocolate turkey pretzel sticks are a delicious twist on the classic treat. They are easy to make and perfect for Thanksgiving!

To make them, start by melting some chocolate chips in a double boiler or microwave. Stir in some crushed graham crackers for an added crunch and flavor. Dip half the pretzel stick into the melted chocolate mixture, making sure to coat them as evenly as possible. Add mini marshmallows as eyes or use google eyes, candy corn as feathers and orange M&M’s as beak. Place the chocolate coated pretzels on a baking sheet lined with wax paper and let it cool until the chocolate is completely set. Enjoy these delicious turkey shaped treats at your next Thanksgiving Party

Chocolate Turkey Pretzels Sticks

Thanksgiving Turkey Treats Kids Can Make Themselves

Thanksgiving Turkey Treats

via pinterest

You will need, cupcakes, peanut butter cups (small) candy corn, icing and sprinkles.

Candy CornCandy CornCandy CornChocolate Muffin & Cake mixChocolate Muffin & Cake mixChocolate Muffin & Cake mixPeanut Butter Cups MiniaturesPeanut Butter Cups MiniaturesPeanut Butter Cups Miniatures

Turkey Sugar Biscuits

Collage of 4 turkey cookies the kids can make

Sugar Biscuits are always a treat but these Turkey looking ones will make the kids so happy. They have the recipe on the blog and details on how to do each step and they look so cute.

These cute turkey face cookies are also easy to make once you read the post you will notice she uses here ice-Cream cookie cutter to get the turkey face shape, what a brilliant idea. Then just follow along to ice them the same.

Decorate Turkey Face cookies

Ice Cream Cone Cookie CutterIce Cream Cone Cookie CutterIce Cream Cone Cookie CutterFall Thanksgiving Cookie Cutter SetFall Thanksgiving Cookie Cutter SetFall Thanksgiving Cookie Cutter SetIce Cream Shape Cookie CutterIce Cream Shape Cookie CutterIce Cream Shape Cookie Cutter

Simple Turkey Cookies

Check out the recipe and how to make these here at The BearFoot Baker

Party Hat Cookie CutterParty Hat Cookie CutterParty Hat Cookie CutterTurkey Leg Cookie CutterTurkey Leg Cookie CutterTurkey Leg Cookie Cutter

Fun Turkey Treats

Make these cute Turkey Ornaments, these are super cute to use some yummy treats in a Glass Bauble that the kids can eat when they want.


Some great ideas for you here to get the kids busy making these they will be so proud of themselves when they show what they have made to family and friends.

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