Barbie Potty Training Taffy Barbie Doll and Pet

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Barbie Potty Training Taffy Barbie Doll and Pet Review

Product Description: 
The Barbie Potty Training Taffy Barbie Doll and Pet is the perfect toy for kids who love dogs and Barbie dolls. This interactive Barbie Doll comes with a great amount of accessories, all equipped to help her potty train her dog, Taffy. This toy features all of the pieces and accessories, including Taffy the dog who actually pees and poops.

Barbie Potty Training Barbie Doll and Pet

Barbie Potty Training Taffy Barbie Doll and Pet

Barbie Potty Training Taffy Barbie Doll and PetBarbie Potty Training Taffy Barbie Doll and Pet

Product Features
Two Figures that include:
-1 lovely and classic Barbie doll
-1 Taffy the dog, featuring the ability to actually pee and poop.
One Outfit including:
-1 blue shirt embellished with a pink bow
-1 pair of bright pink pants
-1 pair of blue strappy sandals
Accessories including:
-1 Hot Pink Doggie Food/ Water Dish
-1 Small Dog Treats That Fit into the Doggie Dish
-1 Pooper Scooper
-1 Light Blue Trash Can
-1 Pink Dog Leash
-1 Hot Pink Dog Food Toting Pack
Several – Pretend Dog Poop

Plus Points
1. Barbie Potty Training Taffy Barbie Doll and Pet toy teaches responsibility. This pet actually pees and poops, giving your child the chance to experience what taking care of an animal entails. This toy is a great first step for anyone considering getting a pet.

2.Versatile. This doll is versatile because it is a great toy on it’s own, and can also be paired with other Barbie dolls as well as many other various toys. This toy works well on its own because it includes both Barbie, as well as her dog Taffy for double the fun.

Barbie-Under $25

3.Great Quality. Barbie is a widely known and trusted company that has thrived for years. You can rest assured that the Barbie Potty Training Taffy Barbie Set will be a great quality toy that will last and last throughout the years. This high quality toy will continue to make your child happy, and it is unlikely that it will ever need to be replaced.

4.This toy is Affordable. This Barbie doll costs approximately $19.99 at full price, but is often on sale for close to $10.00. This is an very affordable toy, which allows you to save money on something that can be enjoyed by your little ones for years.

5.This toy could be a great gift as well. Due to its affordable price, durability, and fun and exciting qualities, this toy would make a wonderful birthday gift. It is sure to make your kids smile, and will give them something wonderful to play with.

[yellowbox]Looking for some Barbie Clothes for your doll then check this out[/yellowbox]

Cool Barbie Stuff:

Barbie Accessories Fashions and Dolls

Things to Consider

Not safe for younger children. Due to the fact that this toy includes quite a few small accessories and gadgets, a choking hazard is something that needs to be considered. Some of the smaller pieces could easily be swallowed accidentally by young children. Please be aware of this when purchasing this toy.

Product Summary

The Barbie Potty Training Taffy Barbie Set is a great toy to consider for any child. This toy has more benefits than just providing fun, it teaches responsibility by letting your children understand what it is like to care for a dog, or any pet in general. Taffy the dog that pees and poops incorporates one of the largest aspects of owning a pet: cleaning up after them. This toy is of very high quality, and even higher value. The affordable price of $19.99 makes this toy an excellent choice. This toy is sure to make your kids happy, and is a great option for a gift. Get this toy for your little ones, and let the fun begin.

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